Monday, May 23, 2005

Psoriasis Scams

This is a critical review of psoriasis treatments promoted on the net. Many of these are scams. Some are just deceptive misinformation, others are potentially dangerous. Secrets are revealed wherever possible to spoil the marketing game. It's a shame that these hucksters prey on people desperately looking for a safe and effective treatment.
Skip to: FDA Steroids Skin-Cap SkinZinc Miralex Exorex Zinc Miracure Kessler Psoriasis.COM Lupicare Itchstopper Psorigon Emu Oil Neem Oil Ewell CureBook GilTeva Amjo D.P.Ray silver PsoriasiCure feedback
Why is this page needed?
Quackery is everywhere. With a few notable exceptions, commercial sites selling psoriasis treatments emphasize only the claimed benefits of their products and provide no support for those claims. They rarely mention risks, side effects, or offer an accurate list of ingredients so that consumers can make their own informed choice. The only public place to find this information has been in the psoriasis newsgroup, and the postings don't stay around long enough for newcomers to see them. By putting this information here on the web, the reviews will hopefully be as visible to the world as the commercial sites are now.
One universal trait of the Hall of Pshame sites is that they raise unrealistic hopes of miracle cures and rapid clearing. Most psoriatics have become hardened to these tactics, but sometimes the sales pitch can be very convincing. "What have you got to lose?" is a common question. The fact is, that besides the money lost, the time wasted on an ineffective treatment could have been used to try something more realistic. The greatest loss is when a desperate person gets fooled again, and loses hope of ever finding something that works.
Please distinguish between the treatments being offered and the methods used to promote them. The intent here is not to invalidate anyone's personal success with a treatment, but to show how the claims are deceptive and misleading. The promoters of the secret cures no doubt got benefit with their regimen, but it is a serious mistake to assume that their experience will be universal. Psoriasis covers a wide range of symptoms that can be triggered by many different causes. What has been discovered repeatedly in the open forum discussions is this: What works for one person does nothing for the next.