Wednesday, December 14, 2005

New Treatment in The Psoriasis PIcture

An extract found in the cotton plant, gossypol, has shown the strongest anti-inflammatory actions yet seen in the scientific world. In the lab it completely knocks out dozens of different forms of skin inflammation and normalizes dilated, inflammed and hyper-reactive blood vessels. Gossypol's first indication is for the treatment of psoriasis because it also has a normalizing effect on keratinocytes.
Pharmaceutical companies are moving very fast on this substance and have already placed them in nanosomes for penetration into the skin and timed release. Two other skin disorders on their list are rosacea and atopic dermatitis.
Once again, the researchers have never seen an anti-inflammatory as potent, fast acting, and effective on dozens of different inflammatory responses. It out-performed a medium potency, prescription only steroid in a split-face study which is unheard of. Also, the nanosomes drop it off at several different levels in the dermis to treat multiple levels of blood vessels and inflammation. Anecdotally, many patients report diminished burning and stinging sensations within minutes of nanosome delivered gossypol.