Monday, June 06, 2005

The Broader Picture of Psoriasis

It is currently believed (although not statistically proven) that Psoriasis affects around 2 percent of the worlds population. In the United States it is estimated that around 7 million people suffer from one form or another of Psoriasis. In the United Kingdom, it is believed that around 1.2 million people suffer from this depressive and resistant disease. This figure is similarly reflected in many countries around the world.With all forms of Psoriasis there appears to be a significant link between the disease and the sufferers mental wellness. Due to the nature of the disease and how it acts, sufferers often experience an elelment of depression, increased anxiety and stress levels. This in turn then causes the Psoriasis to increase, thus increasing the levels of stress and anxiety which in turn then may make the Psoriasis even worse. In this way the Psoriasis can caused tremendous continued emotional upset for the sufferer.Thankfully the issue of mental health of the sufferer is beginning to be addressed by the medical professions around the world.