Sunday, June 19, 2005

The Psoriasis T-Cell Connection

There are many beliefs as to what causes psoriasis. Although no one knows for sure, many scientists believe that a biochemical stimulus triggers the abnormally high skin growth which in turn causes the skin lesions (National Psoriasis Foundation). Heredity also plays a role in the development of psoriasis. Individuals who have a family member with a severe case of psoriasis tend to experience early onset of the disease (Camisa 55). Recent research studies indicate that psoriasis may be a disorder of the immune system. The T cell, a white blood cell, normally works to fight off infection and disease. Scientists believe that having an abnormal immune system causes abnormal activity by T cells in the skin. These abnormally active T cells cause skin inflammation and increased cell production. Diet and vitamin influences have also been thought to play a role in psoriasis development and progression (Kligman 729).